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Dogstar was born in December 2021 and made a Initial Coin offering in January 2022. We managed to sell XTAR in just 24h!
This represents a 15% of the total XTAR supply and so far, no more liquidity has been added to the market.
On April 2023 we join the Stellar BootCamp, where we developed a key feature for the DogstarLeague: an acution SmartContract (SC) to manage the sponsors bids. We were a finalist project on that edition.
In May 2023, we were awarded by the SCF with $71.200 to develop an MVP of the DogstarLeague! The MVP is already live. Feel free to jump in and join the Dogstar League!
In December 2023 we were granted by Aquarius Stellar project with 60.000.000 AQUA to incentivize XTAR Liquidity Pools & for AQUA to become a Sponsor of the DogstarLeague
We launched the DeFi platform in late 2022 and since then, we keep improving it
In September 2023 we realised the Dogwallet, a key functionallity to bring to live the DogstarLeague!
DogstarLeague MVP came to live in January 2024, with the first ever round game round played in a test environment
As part of our Bootcamp participation, we developed the firts Auction SmartContract in Soroban!
The team managed to start rewarding XTAR Liquidity Pools. Now, XTAR-XLM and XTAR-AQUA pools distribute rewards every hour!