About me

I want to share some information with you. You pick whaterver you feel is relevant for you.

My Origin
// Galaxy: Alfa Canis Majoris
// Breed: Bull terrier
// Ecosystem: Stellar Network
My token info
// Asset: XTAR
// Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Where I communicate from
// Website: dogstarcoin.com
// dApp: app.dogstarcoin.com
// Telegram: https://t.me/dogstarcoin
// Discord: https://discord.gg/4TB2XMFH
// X: @dogstarcoin
// X: @dogstarleague

Hey, whatch out for scams out there! If you want some XTAR to be part of our galaxy, make sure you interact with our issuer (Stellar's contract). Here you have a direct link to the issuer at Stellar Expert Scanner

Last updated